Will Work for Wine

I’m in the furious stages of editing and completing my second novella in the Shaw McLeary Adventure Series. Hence the desire for a wine glass that holds an entire bottle.

But as tempting as it sounds, I refuse to allow myself the distraction. Not when I’m so close to the end!

Of course, there are always things to learn, study, that help us become better writers. And I don’t consider that distracting. Not when it helps us grow.

After a recent interview, I started thinking about smart marketing. Her advice was spot on and made me actually want to market my books the right way.

Marketing will be the mountain I conquer!

But first I need to conquer the last few chapters of this book.

So while I'm off in the great abyss, better known as the fantasy world in my head where multiple "personalities" live, I'll leave you with 7 marketing tips I gleaned from the interview Kate & I did with Karen Yankovich.

These tips for using a blog as a marketing tool will hopefully help you bring your strategy to another level as well. Enjoy!

1. A blog is a powerful tool when it’s used to share information and not focused on sales.

2. Posting just once a week can establish authority in your niche.

3. Daily news stories are a great place to get inspiration for fiction or blog posts.

4. People love to connect with authors because it’s cool! (Love her for this one!)

5. Your blog drives content, everything else should branch from your blog posts.

6. Blogging is a first step to an author platform to encourage credibility.

7. Start conversations with anyone that inspires you to do better work; social media is there to help you!

This year I’m making a pledge to connect with people who are like me – authors who choose to self-publish and understand the value in reading a great story by an an Indie Author.

Image courtesy Carlos Porto on freedigitalphotos.net

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